isaacaustin: Dark Side has the knowledge...but a few personality flaws along the way
Truth is truth. I speak my version of it
so yesterday my mil did the token believing df'd person thing and told my wife that if she had not been df'd she would not have corrected her course of action.
it was a devistating blow to everything that i've been working on with my wife.
her mom said if she had not been df'd she would have spread lies about my wife's dad and would have still wanted to be with her ex-boyfriend.
isaacaustin: Dark Side has the knowledge...but a few personality flaws along the way
Truth is truth. I speak my version of it
email exchange just a minute ago:.
him: "i just wanted to let you know that i never had any intention of causing any harm.
and i apologize for anything that seemed that way.".
White Dove
I live in Yuma. I'll meet you for coffee in Gila Bend.
End this retarded thread
email exchange just a minute ago:.
him: "i just wanted to let you know that i never had any intention of causing any harm.
and i apologize for anything that seemed that way.".
It lives
so yesterday my mil did the token believing df'd person thing and told my wife that if she had not been df'd she would not have corrected her course of action.
it was a devistating blow to everything that i've been working on with my wife.
her mom said if she had not been df'd she would have spread lies about my wife's dad and would have still wanted to be with her ex-boyfriend.
DS, I realize that's understood around here. BD's reply seemed to be out of context with what I had in mind so I just wanted to clarify that I wasn't talking about some OTHER kind of blackmail.
I don't much read context or who said what or what was meant. I take posters at their word
If you know the truth about Jehovah's Witnesses, and remain in, you are a coward and a liar. No matter the circumstances
If you don't know the truth yet, educate yourself
so yesterday my mil did the token believing df'd person thing and told my wife that if she had not been df'd she would not have corrected her course of action.
it was a devistating blow to everything that i've been working on with my wife.
her mom said if she had not been df'd she would have spread lies about my wife's dad and would have still wanted to be with her ex-boyfriend.
I'm just saying that DF'ing is emotional blackmail.
You don't say?
so yesterday my mil did the token believing df'd person thing and told my wife that if she had not been df'd she would not have corrected her course of action.
it was a devistating blow to everything that i've been working on with my wife.
her mom said if she had not been df'd she would have spread lies about my wife's dad and would have still wanted to be with her ex-boyfriend.
It was a blessing for me
I struggled for years, trying to fit in. I couldn't, and couldn't understand why I couldn't. I married and had four kids, doing what I thought was right
My last disfellowshipping was my wake-up call. I left and never looked back.
Without DFing, I might be still stuck to this day.
Disfellowship everyone for any reason. Whatever gets you out. You fucking go, WTBTS!
u.s. wants to make it easier to wiretap the internetfederal law enforcement and national security officials are preparing to seek sweeping new regulations for the internet, arguing that their ability to wiretap criminal and terrorism suspects is going dark as people increasingly communicate online instead of by telephone.
essentially, officials want congress to require all services that enable communications including encrypted e-mail transmitters like blackberry, social networking web sites like facebook and software that allows direct peer to peer messaging like skype to be technically capable of complying if served with a wiretap order.
the mandate would include being able to intercept and unscramble encrypted messages.
Whether you believe it or not, doesn't much matter. It's well on it's way
it's a beautiful day!.
don't let it get away..
Great minds think alike. All that's missing is the tongue kiss
arimatthewdavies has some valid points. I'm re-thinking the whole death/transfusion thing
Chuck Connors was way cool. I liked "Branded" more than "The Rifleman". He threw his broken sword better than a ninja could
And many don't remember, but CC was the father in the original "Flipper" film